Thursday, February 14, 2008

Officer Leroy said "Hey, I thought I told you..." And I was like "Yeah, Whatever...."

This police officer clearly has many issues he needs to deal with. This police officer clearly has what is called a superiority complex. Except, he is attacking children in this video. This kid should've taken a page out of his friends book, and just shut up though. This video was shot in Baltimore, a city known to have more police corruption than just about any other city in our nation. I think the cop is really pissed off that he has to cruise around in that weak ass car working the skater patrol. Also, it probably doesn't help his temper that he has to wear that piss colored uniform. He is basically a parking attendant, except with no ticket book. So, instead he just throws teenagers in headlocks and "gives them the business." I wonder what this cop would do if he saw a child flying around the Inner Harbor on Heelies. Throw a stick down? Clothesline?


B Wack said...

Stigs, I love the title of this article...What is the name of that song? The United States of Whatever?

JayO said...

I bet that officer blew his O-ring when he saw this video online. Remember, a dude is someone who works on a ranch.